Concept and Mind Maps, Power points, Prezis

Figure 1. Three phases of memory (Purnell, n.d.).
Cognitivism is based on the learning theory that students’ behaviour changes as the learner becomes more educated. The theory of cognitivism concentrates on organisation of information into chunks or schemas to enable storage in short term memory and long-term memory (Figure 1). Cognitivism involves concepts of schema where the brain compares new information to existing and relates to brain function of sorting information. The sensory register is the first filter. Important information is transferred to the short-term memory. If information is chunked together more information can be gathered. The long-term memory stores information for long-term use (Mergel, 1998).

Productive pedagogies with the emphasis on intellectual quality and connectedness are consistent with cognitivism theory approaches of strengthening and developing schemas. Cisco (2008) reports that digital tools that allow for chunking of information are power point, prezi and concept mind maps such as bubblus and Text2Mindmap. These are two reputable forms of Web 2.0 mind mapping or concept mapping tools on the internet.
Mind mapping can be used to place information in categories using higher order thinking to carry out this task (Education Queensland, 2002, p.1). Teachers can include the use of bold large letters and colour for important facts (Snowman et al., 2009, p. 274). Background knowledge is made explicit so students can link information together. Using concept maps are invaluable to help the memory as they become ordered lists which chunk information together in the brain (Mergel, 1998). This is a suitable strategy to assist in lifelong learning.  

Through a supportive classroom students can take direction of lesson activities. Horsey (2010) agrees that teachers should allow students to use concept maps as a way of note taking. 

Through academic engagement students make learning gains (Education Queensland, 2002, p.11). Students are sensitive to abrupt and sudden changes. Therefore anything that stands out or is unpredictable will impact memory (Snowman et al., 2009, p. 274). Prezi is very different to power points and is excellent for engaging students. 

The creation of mind maps help with knowledge integration showing how subjects and ideas are interconnected or not (Education Queensland, 2002, p.21). 

The productive pedagogy of connectedness is the knowledge integration where the lesson integrates a range of subject areas. Concept mapping and brainstorming sets students up to learn further knowledge by adding to their framework of background knowledge (Education Queensland, 2002, p.22). Through adding branches on to mind maps it is easy for teachers to connect the lesson to competencies beyond the classroom.